Aftershock: Seeking Help After Your Injury
Most of us have experienced that horrible, bewildered feeling in the face of a serious injury. When you initially get hurt, you have that split second after the first big wave of pain where you’re terrified to even look at the site of injury. You don’t know what you’re going to see, how bad it is, or what just happened to you. The feeling of not knowing what just happened to your body after an injury is, simply put, beyond disturbing.
Oftentimes, that overwhelming sense of uncertainty after a serious injury doesn’t stop after the injury itself; sometimes, the uncertainty is just beginning. There’s the uncertainty of what exactly is wrong with your body, the uncertainty of not knowing who or what you need in order to be properly treated, and the uncertainty of how this is going to affect other areas of your life and livelihood. The path you begin on after an injury insists that you make a series of decisions in order to start working towards your recovery.
The first step on that path is usually going to an emergency room, and that step usually allots the injured party very little in terms of choice. After that initial step, though, there’s a myriad of ways to go about treating yourself after your injury, and you want to make sure that you create the best possible path for yourself. After all, pain is not the only thing that needs alleviating after an injury. Costs, emotional pain, relationship struggles, loss in quality of life: all of these things are liable to emerge following an injury. The goal is that, eventually, some of these struggles are alleviated.
Since you are unable to diagnose and treat yourself, selecting an appropriate physician after your initial emergency room visit is paramount. And while it’s certainly important for your family or personal doctor to recommend a specialist, we recommend that you work with your attorney on this decision as well.
Our aim as your legal representation is to not only ensure that you have a physician who is looking out for your best health, but also to ensure that your damages are properly and meticulously documented. When your attorney and your doctor are working together, the entire personal injury claims and litigation process is suddenly much more streamlined and, therefore, much better for you, the client. This way, damages that you’ve actually incurred, whether financial, emotional, or physical, are not “lost in the shuffle”: they’re written down in black and white for everyone to see.
Remember, your attorney isn’t there to give you medical advice. What we are here to do, however, is to advise you of your rights in regards to your damages, whether they exist now or whether they have potential to exist in the future.
If you have been injured, it doesn’t matter if it’s from a car accident, a slip and fall, or simply because of someone else’s negligence: it’s always best to seek advice from a personal injury attorney.