First Steps in Your Personal Injury Case
The time after a catastrophic accident, whether it be in a car, on the job, or on another's property, can be jarring, disorienting, and frightening.
Oftentimes, though, it is the most critical time in a personal injury case. It is important for inform yourself on what steps to take in the event of a car accident, job injury, or other catastrophic incident before it happens.
There will be a lot of upheaval following a car accident or personal injury; it is difficult to remember what to do first at that time.
The most important thing you should do after your accident is to seek medical care. This is the most important thing to do following any injury for obvious reasons. It is also especially important in establishing any personal injury case.
Collecting evidence is helpful in any personal injury lawsuit. Anything recording what happened is useful, especially photographs. Directly following a car accident, if you are physically able, be sure to either take photos or have another person take photos for you.
If you saw anyone at the scene of the accident or injury, and if they saw it for themselves, make sure you take down their name and number so that they can confirm everything you are saying later on when you decide to go forward with your personal injury claim. Do not be shy; having witnesses in an accident helps a personal injury claim significantly. Of course, if someone was travelling with you for a car accident, they can confirm whatever happened along with anyone else who witnessed the incident.
After you have begun medical treatment for any injury, begin to collect all documentation of the accident. Gather police reports, medical records and bills, and make an appointment with a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to get help in gathering together documentation.
Following your meeting with your attorney, continue your medical treatment as often and as long as necessary.